Home on the Prairies

Home on the Prairies

Friday, March 4, 2022


Many years ago, I heard of a teenage girl who killed herself in one of the Maritime provinces. I believe she was experiencing cyberbullying. That was the first I have heard of that and I was so confused as why internet bullying would cause a young girl to take her life. Now, I am quite familiar with it. So many youth take their lives or want to every year because of people bullying them on the internet. A few weeks ago, I was looking up the difference between the Plan of Salvation in my religious beliefs and those of Christians. I was disappointed in the negative comments on the youtube channel and the negativity in the video itself. I posted a comment. And I was attacked for it. I fought back. I admit I had a contentious spirit with me too. It was 3 people against me. I was told that I should not be a mom, I was told I belong in Hell, I was told to go to Hell, etc. I apologized for being contentious and no one apologized back. It was clear to the others that I was the stupid one, I was the one at fault, I was the sinner, my sin being so great that I deserved endless punishment in Hell.  I understood a little of what those people feel who have been bullied on the internet, at school, work, anywhere. I wanted to give up. My daughter has been bullied a little at school. We have good snuggles and talks at night before bed when I am not working. I talked to her about my experience in a way that she could understand though I think it may have caused her to have a nightmare because she joined us in bed last night. I talked to her about the importance of being open and honest and to talk about bullying if it happens to her. I hope that my kids will always come to me with their problems. It is important to not keep feelings bottled up inside and to get help when needed. I also hope that we may all respect the beliefs of others. No one has all the answers. No one is perfect. We do not need to judge, we just need to love!

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