Home on the Prairies

Home on the Prairies

Monday, February 22, 2021


For the last few years I have followed a blog called Nieniedialogues. She is a very inspirational writer and I have learned a lot from her and her experiences. I also love her book called Heaven is Here. Today, I found out that she is no longer going to blog. I will miss reading her inspiring words but I understand that perhaps it is no longer a priority for her. I will just have to keep reading her book (there is nothing like a good book to read and it is a good one).

I have been thinking about my blog lately and I really do like writing in a blog. I only do it a few times a year but it is my journal for now. I was reading some of my old journals the other day and my printing is absolutely horrible. I am good and fast at typing and even though I could just type a journal and save it on our computer, I really don't mind people reading it. I don't put pictures on it so a lot of people probably don't care to read it without pictures. But it is a place to share a little about our family and to share some of my thoughts and feelings about life. People may judge me for my thoughts and feelings but I really don't care. I am not overly opinionated and I have fairly simple thoughts most of the time. When my thoughts get a little deeper, sometimes my blog is who I can "talk" too and maybe what I write will be what someone else needs to hear to know they are not alone.  I keep bugging Chris to write on the blog too as I would love to be able to read more of his thoughts and feelings but he is not a writer. Maybe someday, he will write a little more. After all, I play model games with him and that is his hobby (and in a way I have made it mine because he loves it so much and I enjoy spending time with him and watching him get excited about playing). Well, this is a hobby of mine. But it is ok. I love my Chris. 

So I will continue with this blog for now and you can find out what is happening in our life and, at times, what my thoughts and feelings are. I will try to update about our Christmas and New Year soon. As for now, Elizabeth is climbing all over me trying to eat the computer so I will end this post. 

Wackamole and Musical Chairs

Every night I feel like Chris and I play a version of two games - Wackamole and Musical chairs, or Backtobed and Musical beds may be more appropriate titles. This is how it goes. We put some of the kids to bed, then they pop right back up and out of their beds again. We put them back and out they come again. One after the other. We feel like we deal with the needs of one and then another one needs something. Back and forth and back and forth. Musical beds is where Chris and I end up sleeping in different beds almost every night. Many times the kids fall asleep in different beds then their own and if we don't feel like lifting them back to their beds while they are asleep, Chris and I go find available beds to sleep in. I feel like I sleep in a different bed every night. Oh, and don't forget that most nights, some kids get up in the middle of the night and join us or kick one of us out of the bed we are in. And there is plenty of middle of the night bed switching and hunting for an available bed. But it works for us for now and we are trying to enjoy the kids while they are young as I know this stage will go too fast. Such is the life of a parent and I wouldn't trade this life for anything.