Well, a new little girl, a perfect little Angel has joined our family. We feel so incredibly blessed for our children. 3 girls and 2 boys ( I dreamed of a family of 3 girls and 2 boys when I was young and wow!) This is her story:
We had set Friday June 19th as induction day. I knew towards the beginning of this pregnancy that I did not want to go to 40 weeks as I did not want to go into labour out on the farm. I was considering moving into Calgary a few weeks before my due date. I did not want bleeding complications ( like last time) out on the farm as well. Baby was also breech until 36 weeks. I believe I felt it turn the evening of my last day of work on May 31. Baby was measuring in the 95th percentile at 36 weeks and so we knew baby was big and would be okay coming before the due date. On Tuesday June 16th, after Chris had his school classes on Zoom, him and I left the farm at 2:00 and drove to Calgary for my 3:20 pm appointment at South Health Campus. It was good to have him at that appointment. She did not do as sweep but checked to see how I was and I was 3 cm and 40 % effaced. No contractions the week before but I had felt uncomfortable and had to pee a lot on the Saturday evening so I think that may have been when I dilated to 3 cm.
We had a beautiful date night on Tuesday evening where we went to a fancy (and expensive) steak restaurant near down town and then we went for a walk in the beautiful Princess Island Park. We had our engagement pictures taken there and it is a favourite park of Chris' as he used to work downtown and would walk there on his lunch breaks.
We stayed in the basement suite of my Michelle's house in Copperfield for 3 days and on Wednesday, I went for several walks around a pond by her house. We went out for supper again at a Thai restaurant and I got some spicy pad thai and some coconut based soup and a pineapple bubble tea (pineapple is supposed to help induce labour too). On Thursday, Chris had his last online teaching day in the basement of Michelle's house and then we went and shopped for bikes for Chris and then went and visited Kamille. I wanted Chris to get a bike for Fathers day but the kind he wanted was all sold out (everyone wants a bike now due to the pandemic and not being able to do other activities). We got some Popeyes Louisiana chicken for Michelle's family for lunch and we went for a walk by Glenmore reservoir (brings me back to walking to work at the Rockyview).
Friday was the big day. I was nervous knowing I was to be induced that day. We went to brunch at Coras at 1030ish and my emotions were getting the best of me as I was not sure if I was supposed to be eating so close to being induced but Chris reassured me the Doctor said I could have brunch. Then we went to memory express to get some things for Chris' computer project and then we went for a walk in the wetland area of Copperfield (which is a lot more finished then when we lived there). It was weird and nerve-wracking but very exciting knowing I was going to be induced and have a baby soon.
We got to South Health Campus a little before 2:00 (my induction appointment was set for 2:00pm). We went through the screening at the front door (which is routine for COVID now) and when we got to the unit they were very busy so they put us in triage and we waited for about half an hour there. I was hooked up to the monitors and things looked good. They found us a room about 2:30 pm and we ended up waiting about 3 hours (I tried to sleep and Chris did sleep) while we waited for someone to come in and get things started. They ended up letting me have supper and then the doctor came in and broke my water at 6:30 pm. I was still at 3 cm so no change in the last few days which makes sense because I was not having regular contractions. My Nurse started a saline locked IV at that time as well. My veins were horrible and she could not do it in two attempts but I know how it feels to miss IVs and I didn't care. It seemed like the end of the world for her which made me feel bad so note to self, do not feel bad when I do not get an IV in. The third IV got in so we were good to go.
Nothing was happening after that. I tried walking around the room (I was not allowed to walk outside of the room like last time due to the virus) and bouncing on the birthing ball while we watched, or rather listened too, The Sound of Music for the next 3 hours. We tried to get some sleep but it was hard to do so for me (not so much for Chris). Since nothing was happening, they started me on the Pitocin drip at about 9:30 pm (I was on the drip last time too). I only got up to 4 units/hour and I think last time it was 7 units per hour. I started having regular contractions within half a hour or so but I would still bounce on the ball, go to the bathroom frequently, talk to the nurse and walk around the room for the next hour and a half. About 1100 the contractions were pretty hard and close together and I was breathing through them while standing and gripping on to the side of the bed and instructing Chris to do hip squeezes (he did a good job). He was also smart and brought a fan and that helped me feel like I was getting more oxygen. At about 11:45, I was getting tired and could not imagine doing this all night long! I asked for an Epidural. The Nurse checked me and said I was a 5-6cm and that was discouraging for me so I wanted that epidural. But then things went quickly. I suddenly felt like I needed to push. My Nurse had just gone on break so another nurse came in and checked me and said I was a 6-7 cm. Then suddenly I really felt like I had to push. The doctor came in and checked me and I was 10 cm! This all happened within about 10 minutes and I was committed - no time for an epidural. They called people in and got the bed set up for pushing. I pushed about 3 - 4 contractions and I sure could feel the burning this time. I was making some weird noises. Baby's shoulder got stuck for 25 seconds and the resident pushed on my belly to pop her out. (They called for back up but did not need anyone thank goodness). And what a relief that was! She was out! She - they said it was a girl! I was so busy concentrating and closing my eyes that I did not realize they had put her on my chest. While they got the placenta out and stitched me up (2nd degree tare yet again), I held baby Elizabeth and tried feeding her. No issues there - she is a good eater. I had originally thought baby was a girl but in the last few months, I was thinking it may be a boy. We love our little Elizabeth! Born at 1217 AM on June 20th - 8 lbs 7 ounces, 19 and 3/4 inches long. Some dark hair and long fingers and toes.
I hardly slept that night. I cuddled and fed baby a lot. The nurse was in constantly pressing on my belly as I was bleeding more than I should. But a second bolus of Pitocin helped with that. Chris slept more than me but he was a big help changing diapers, texting family and cuddling baby so I could try sleeping. I was up to the bathroom quite a bit and showered in the middle of the night. Baby did not have a bath as that is something they have stopped doing in the hospital. Supposedly it is good not to bath a newborn very much.
We slept and cuddled baby throughout the morning. And after the pediatrician came in about 2:30 pm and the hearing test was done, we were allowed to leave the hospital at about 4:30 and we were home by 6:00pm - our shortest stay ever. The kids were excited to see baby Elizabeth. They had a sign that said "Welcome, Bizy Lizzy." Chris and I love Pride and Prejudice and will call her Lizzy from time to time as a nick name.
It is so good to be home with our Little Lizzie. And we are so grateful to Camellia, Mom, Dad and Doug for watching the kids while we were away. We feel so very very blessed in life. Welcome home, baby Lizzie!
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