Home on the Prairies

Home on the Prairies

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Epic Summer Adventures 2024

 It was a beautiful summer! We had a lot of rain in the spring and the crops were beautiful and the grass was green all summer. But it still ended up being not the greatest crop for Mom and Dad. Their neighbor Scott planted peas on the land and when he was harvesting a big windstorm came up and they lost a lot of it. I know Mom is sad as they could have used that money for a few things. But the crop was still ok-ish.

Mom had her birthday on July 1st and as per tradition, we had Korean BBQ. Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Gord and Aunt Brenda and Uncle Gord came for it. Camellia and Doug were here too. We had fireworks that evening on the farm to celebrate Canada day. 

This was the summer for adventure! Camellia and I turned 40 years old on July 10th. It is hard to believe that we are that age. But I feel young and excited for the future. After the kids completed a week of swimming lessons (July 1 - 5th) with me working a lot that week, we moved Rachel and Eric (Chris' brother) and their 3 girls into their home in Lethbridge on my birthday. It was the best way to spend my birthday. To have more family move nearby. The kids are close to each other and we will all become even closer as family and friends. 

On July 15th, we met Camellia and Doug near Fort Mcleod to begin an epic adventure. A bucket list Motorhome trip. We all went in on it together to rent from Doug's brother and he gave us a good deal. We picked it up at 1200 and Chris and I drove behind in our van. For the next 13 days/12 nights we traveled around the western States. 

Our first night was in Cour de Alane Idaho and we spent Tuesday and Wednesday at Silverwood amusement park. First day was the rides and second day was the water park. The big kids really enjoyed the 5 rollercoasters. Even Selman went on the small roallercoaster. We left the park at 7:00 on Wednesday evening and drove until 1030 when we encountered a dust storm somewhere in Washington state. We pulled over by a dusty old gas station/truck stop area and all 14 of us crowded into the RV that night. Caeleb and Stirling had the bunk bed, I was on the floor with Lizzy and Mary, Liam had the couch, Porter and Selman always had the table bed, Chris and Elva were in the loft and Camellia, Doug Evelyn and Russell slept in the back bed. There were 3 nights that we all crowded into the RV and although it was cozy, it was fun.

On the Thursday we traveled to Portland and visited an old missionary friend of Camellias. Then we travelled on to the coast and stopped for a seafood supper at a popular coastal restaurant. We continued traveling down the coast that evening until 1000 or so when we came to another campground but we were too tired to set up the tent or a bed in the van, so we crowded into the RV again. 

Friday morning was spent at the Sea lion caves in Oregon which were fascinating, looking at hundreds of sea lions big and small. We later stopped for lunch at a beach and played in the waves for a bit. Then we crossed into the state of California and checked into our KOA campground by Crescent city. 

We celebrated Evelyn's birthday on the Saturday and went to the Trees of Mystery tourist attraction in the Redwoods. Those redwood trees are massive, and we didn't even see the biggest ones. We got to walk on a pathway built up high in the trees and we took a gondola up to see the trees from above. We later went to a beach by Cresent City and played again in the ocean waves. Then back to the campground so the kids could play on the very large tree stumps that were there. 

Sunday morning, we went to sacrament meeting in Cresent city and then we started a very long 14-hour drive through the forests of California and Oregon which turned into the desert of Oregon and Nevada. A most beautiful spot on our drive was close to the border between Oregon and Nevada where we drove through a vast and lonely desert valley and up a large hill. On top of the hill we stopped and watched the sun set while we ate supper outside of the RV. It was a gorgeous site looking out into the nothingness of the desert with the hues of orange and yellow on the horizon.  

We stopped at a truck stop that night at 1:00 AM and all crowded into the RV to sleep. Doug started driving the RV about 7:00 in the morning and half asleep, I yelled out, "wait, we need the van too." But he was just driving us to a nearby waste station to empty the RV tanks. After another breakfast of cereal in the RV, we drove all morning and early afternoon to reach Bear Lake Utah. We were able to spend that evening and the next 2 days with our Woolf cousins and it was so wonderful to see them all. It had been 8 years since we saw Laura and almost 7 years since I had seen Sarah when I visited her in Boston. We saw Heather too and their spouses and Aunt Marilyn, Uncle Gord and almost all their Grandkids. We swam in the lake and in the pool. Aunt Marilyn rented a few kayaks for people to use. We visited and went to the pop shop and to a mini golf course at their resort. We spent 3 nights at a campground about 25 minutes around the lake and enjoyed the lake from that side too. We set up our tent for those 3 nights. 

On the Thursday, we got up and left for Idaho. We reached Rexburg Idaho about 2:00 pm and went on to St Anthony where we spent a couple of nights at Doug's sisters house. Some of us slept in the house, some of the kids slept in the tent and I slept in the RV with a few kids. We were going to go to Yellowstone on the Friday but the farthest we made it that day was Mesa falls (I visited there times as a young adult going to BYUI). We also went to the sand dunes that day (I also went there as a student) and the big kids went to a rodeo that evening. 

We left for home by 0800 am on Saturday, drove through west Yellowstone town on the way home and our two families spit up in Helena. Camellia and Doug had to fix a tire on the RV there and Chris and I needed to make it home for me to work a day shift on Sunday. 

It was a wonderful trip with our two families. We love the Nelsons so much and we are grateful that our kids are close and have had these memories together. 

We spent the last week in July at home on the farm (except for Caeleb who went to FSY). I worked a lot that week, but we were able to visit our Lethbridge Watters cousins a few times and I even took Selman on a mommy son date to the southland leisure wave pool on the Monday when we were dropping Caeleb off at FSY. We went swimming in Champion a couple of times that week and prepared for our next adventure to Victoria. On Friday after work I was a first responder to a serious accident and was able to assess a lady with a head injury and wait with her for the ambulance. She was awake and doing ok but it was a little traumatic. 

On Saturday August 3, Chris and I loaded up the kids at 5:00 AM and picked Caeleb up from FSY at the U of C at 0730. Then we spent a long day in the car (our family is so good at long drives) and got to the Ferries by 5:00 pm. We made it on that Ferry and were to the parent's place by 7:00 PM. Amazing! We spent 2 weeks there so Chris could work on Eagle propane's computer system. We were able to see Kurt again which was so wonderful as he has not spoken to our family in more than 4 years. We drove him up to his home in Comox on the Tuesday and did not get home until after midnight. Us girls in the family were able to go to Nanaimo to take Aunt Mary out to lunch (who just retired at age 60 from nursing). Oh, goodness, I am halfway there, halfway done my career. I can do this! We had Suz's kids for the 2nd weekend in Victoria and took them swimming to Durrance lake on the Saturday and to church on Sunday. We also went to a spray park with them, and I think Wyatt and Brooklyn are getting to be better friends with my kids. 

Chris spent a morning with us going to the Breakwater and then to Gyro park the next day. I took some of the kids mini golfing and Lou Ann took all the kids to Butterfly Gardens (for Elva, it was Burchart Gardens). We were spoiled! Thank you so much. Caeleb and I did do some yard work. And cousin Calvin was working on the yard too. His brother Oliver spent many days playing games with the kids at the parents' house. 

We drove home on August 17th and Wendy and her boys drove out that day too. We spent the next week going to and from Lethbridge to hang out with them as they visited Rachel and Eric. I worked 4 shifts that week but was still able to hang out with them quite a bit and a highlight was taking Quinton and Calving to the war museum in Lethbridge on Wednesday. We celebrated Eric's birthday on the Thursday by doing mini golf at the movie mill in Lethbridge. We also had Athena, Chris's cousin, stay with us Wednesday and Thursday evening and had a great chat with her. To top it off, Caeleb and Elva did another swimming class in Champion that week, so it was a busy busy but fun week! 

Last week I worked another 4 shifts (Tuesday to Saturday evenings) and Chris spent his time prepping at the school in Vulcan and did Tuesday and Wednesday days in Lethbridge for palliser district orientation. I was able to drop the kids off at Rachels on Tuesday for the night and go watch Chris do Ax throwing for an activity with his district. I spent the night with him at a Hotel (that Palliser district put him up in). It was really nice. 

After my evening shift last Friday and before my Saturday evening shift, Chris and I were able to make a quick trip down to Cardston for an 1100 temple session. The sessions have been shortened to about an hour and 30 minutes but there were a lot of people there so we just had enough time to take my friend Lindsey out for a quick lunch at the Chinese buffet before heading to Claresholm for my shift. It was nice to be able to go to church on Sunday and have a day of rest.  

Monday we had the Gainor's down for chicken killing day (only had 5 to do) and the boys drove the truck and lawnmower while Elliette rode our horse Eva. It was fun to talk to them. 

Tuesday (yesterday) Sept 4th, the kids started school and Chris and I saw them get on the bus before he took off for work in Vulcan and I headed to Claresholm for a work training session (non-violent crisis intervention). Lizzy went to "nana school." She starts preschool on September 23rd and I just don't know what to think about that. My last baby is going to school. I am so proud of my kids, each one of them. They were so happy to go to school yesterday. I hope Caeleb can study hard this year but most importantly be a friend to all around him. He is a pretty chill kid and faces everything that comes his way with optimism. I also love that he still is a kid and has a great imagination. He is in the hallway right now playing Harry Potter with a Chop stick as a wand. I just love that so much. Elva is a worrier like I am. I hope she can channel that into working hard but also to let go the things not in her control and just enjoy each moment. She is a witty Kid and I love the things that come out of her mouth. Mary has been so happy yesterday and this morning. I hope she can keep her growing bubbly (and a little sarcastic) personality, work hard and be a friend to everyone. Even if school is challenging, I hope she will face it head on and do the best she can, NEVER GIVING UP. Selman is always so cheerful but I know several of his friends play hockey and I hope he will be ok with being different. It is ok NOT to do things the others are doing. It is ok to stand up for his interests and values when so many are wanting to fit in. I hope he stays his happy self and cheers up all by showing his irresistible smile. And Lizzy is my little side kick. My baby. I will miss her when she is at preschool (2 days a week), but I hope I can soak up every moment of little in her when she is home and that we can spend many days playing dollys and barbies this year. 

After a busy busy busy summer, I think we are all ready to head back to the routine of school/work. They had a great first day and we were all exhausted last night and were asleep by about 8:30 pm. I pray I can be a good support for Chris this year. He needs the support as he will be going through another evaluation process for teaching. I am so done with him going from job to job to job. I don't know how else to put it. We have spent the last almost 15 years of marriage with him going through many jobs (9 jobs including 6 teaching jobs) and completing over 5 years of university. He is amazing! I struggle. I hope and pray I can be the wife he needs me to be. 

My cousin Melanie

I ended this post but feel like I just need to come back and talk about a sad part of the summer. My cousin Melanie Munns passed away at age 42. Only 2 years older than me. She left behind a husband and 4 kids ages 11 to 18. I remember playing with Melanie when we were little and her family would come up to visit Grandma in the same brick house that we live in now. I have always felt honored to be part of the Smith family, even if I have felt different at times. I am especially glad for the legacy of faith that my Grandma and Grandpa Smith left as an example to us Grandkids. Although some of these grandkids do not have this faith anymore (I am not sure what hope they have to offer), Melanie did and does! And I look up to her so much. I want to be like her, strong in my faith. 

I had a special spiritual experience the week after she passed away. Her sister mentioned on a facebook post that Melanie will be her family's heavenly angel and that her family will be her earthy hands. When I read that, the spirit testified to me that family relationships do not end after this life. Melanie is working on the other side of the veil to help her family (immediate family and extended -perhaps to include all the human family) while others are helping her do the work that she can no longer do on this earth. She will continue to influence her family and they will influence her. THAT is how it is supposed to be. Working together on both sides of the veil. I believe this can be an amazing blessing in our lives, when we keep this eternal perspective. 

I know, as President Nelson has stated, that salvation is an individual affair... but there is more than that. He also states Exaltation is a family affair. Exaltation is living for OTHERS. There are the Christians in the world who accept Christ because of what he does for them, individually. They think of it as "I am saved," I am sinless," "I get the easy life in Heaven." "It is about what I get out of it." I am not sure why else they worship God. I would like to learn more about why mainstream Christianity worships God. It is amazing when you accept Christ into your life and know that he died for YOU and your sins. It is even more amazing when you know that Christ died for ALL and that he loves all people as much as he loves you and loves them in a way that actually can make sense. This involves perfect understanding and empathy, a perfect balance of justice and mercy. 

Latter Day Saints take a different eternal view. They are not perfect now, but they are trying to help the majority in this life, and the next, to come to Christ and do his will. They will sacrifice eternally for the good of ALL mankind. It is not just about what they get out of salvation in a sinless state. It is about helping everyone get the most out of Salvation. 

This is my testimony. And just as Melanie has faith in Christ and never gave up in this life, she now is on the other side of the veil, continuing to not give up but instead do all she can there for her family and fellow man (through service and song), I too want to do the same. Thank you for your example Melanie. I will be like you. I will never give up my faith in Christ and will use that faith eternally for the good of all mankind. 

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