Home on the Prairies

Home on the Prairies

Saturday, May 25, 2024

General Conference

Chris and I had the opportunity to take the kids to General Conference this spring. I worked Easter weekend and the kids had their visit from the Easter Bunny when I wasn't there on the last Saturday of March. Then we left the Wednesday after for Utah to focus more on the true meaning of Easter - the Savior. We took the white van (without the TV) and the kids did well for the most part. The 3 youngest had their moments. We spent Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evening at my Aunt Marilyn's house in Ogden. It is a beautiful home with the mountains nearby. I am grateful that their home is always open to guests. 

We went on a little hike to Ensign peak and then to the government building and to Temple square to the LDS museum on the Thursday. The Temple is under construction but the grounds still look beautiful. It was a fun day with Aunt Marilyn, my cousin Heather and her daughter Brooklyn. 

It was a rainy day on Friday and we went to Chris' aunt Jan's house for lunch in Far west. She is a great person and it was fun to visit her family.

We came back to Aunt Marilyn's after and had pizza and watched a movie (Wish) with them. I am grateful for mt visits with Aunt Marilyn and Heather. I look up to and learn from them. 

Saturday morning, we dropped Selman and Elizabeth off at Heather's home and headed into Salt Lake for the 1000 session. We sat next to a family from Claresholm and a couple from our ward. It was a beautiful experience and the spirit was strong. I hope the kids felt it and will remember it. I especially enjoyed Elder Hollands powerful talk on prayer. 

On the way out off the Conference center grounds, I had the opportunity to talk to an Evangelical pastor who I have talked to online many times. Evangelicals come to General Conference to persuade as they do not think us LDS are saved. I got a little emotional talking to him. You see, I still dont understand why Evangelicals choose to worship God when they think he will let most people go to a torturous hell because they did not believe correctly. Why does it matter if they are saved when most people are not? Everyone is fallible in this life so why would the one sin that the Savior's atonement not cover, be incorrect theology as to who he is? Why would God accept a fallible rejection of his gospel but not accept a fallible acceptance? No Evangelical friend I have talked too can answer this and I tried to make it clear that God truly is perfectly empathetic and in being so will provide a perfect and sensical mix of justice and mercy. Logically, this means one can not fully and infallibly reject God until that person has a perfect understanding of God. And since we are all fallible in this life and have to walk by faith, that full acceptance or rejection will not come until the next life when we have infallible understanding. Isn't that common sense? I am not sure they listen to me. They are so focused on daming people to Hell, that I can not see their relationship with the Savior. But I know they are children of God and that he loves them very much and always will. I am sure we will all have correction and learning to be had in the next life, myself included. 

We picked up the two Littles and headed for home after conference. We stopped in Butte at 9:00 for the night and went for a little swim at the hotel. Then we left at 0730 ish in the morning and made it home by 2:00 ish in time for the last session of conference. 

Baseball has taken up a good portion of our lives since. The kids are all on a team; Caeleb playing minor, Elva soft ball, Mary and Selman coach pitch and Elizabeth T-ball. After school consists of me shuttling kids to and from practices, YM/YW, Activity days and chess for Mary, piano, singing and riding for Elva. Busy Busy. Probably too busy. I have a hard time saying no. I work my 2 days a week on top of it. I was going to go back to the claresholm hospital working casual in May as Alberta Health Services is restructuring and I am at risk of losing some seniority. I stewed over this for a week or two and then got my answer (from God I believe). I couldn't care less about going back to the hospital right now. I have a wonderful 2 shift a week job at the Center and that is all I need. I can pick up more at the Center as needed (but am not doing that now). I have felt at peace with work ever since.  

Chris applied for a teaching job in Claresholm but did not get it. Maybe it is a blessing in disguise. I guess we shall see. As of now, he is going back to Drumheller in the Fall and although I was sad he did not get the Claresholm job, I am at peace with him being back at Drumheller. It has been a good job (even though we spend an extra $700 or so a month in rent and food for him). 

The kids are busy with school and seem to be enjoying same. Elva went to camp Kiwanis with the grade 5/6 class for a few days in early May and loved it! Mary went to the zoo yesterday with grades 1 - 4 and had a great time. Caeleb tied for first in high jump for district trackmeet last week and will go to zones. Selman loves kindergarten and the Oilers (hockey) as 3 other boys in kindergarten play hockey. Selman will not join them in that but I may put him and Lizzy into skating lessons next year. Lizzy is mommy's little helper at home and still loves her dresses, barbies and dolls. Yesterday Lizzy was a big help in trying to help Papa put his socks on. She is adorable. It is crazy to think she will be 4 on June 20th. 

I was able to go to a Stake Relief Society service activity today. I had a wonderful time and was able to meet a new friend. We fasted for rain in our stake a few weeks ago and it has rained alot since. Everything is so green and we are so blessed. God is good.  

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