Home on the Prairies

Home on the Prairies

Wednesday, February 28, 2024


I am an empathetic person. A friend of mine once called me an empath. I feel things deeply. I feel the trials of others as though they are my own. I especially feel the trials of other people who feel things deeply. It can be hard. But it helps me put myself into other people's shoes. And that helps me know how to serve others. It also helps me think of different scenarios and imagine different outcomes in my life. And it causes me many tears and other emotions. 

Lately I have be thinking alot about how so many Christians believe God will only save about 10% of the total population. They don't  allow themselves to give it a number, but if one allows him or herself to think outside the box, I would say that is a fairly good estimate for what some people would call "true Christians." About 10% of mankind. I can't believe that 90% of Gods creation will suffer in eternal torment. It would destroy me to think that way and I dont understand why it doesn't cause those that think that way to be in a constant depth of despair. Perhaps there is a lack in empathy? 

I focus on the charity of God. The pure love of Christ. His atonement was the ultimate act of Charity. He felt all anyone has felt or will ever feel. The pain, sorrow, confusion. And he died for us. We can not fully understand it. But we can trust it will make all things right in this life and/or the next. 

The scriptures do say without Charity, ye are nothing. What does that mean? When Christ was on this earth, he spent so much time with the sinner, the lonely, the sick. He wept with the family and friends of Lazerus upon his death. He felt what others felt. He stood in their shoes. He stands in our shoes. He has empathy and with that empathy comes Charity. I think that means Christ will be the perfect judge and advocate for all mankind. 

I don't think the Pastors I have talked too understand this. Because to them, it appears that one must check off certain boxes of beliefs about Christ to avoid eternal torture. I can't really blame them. They go to years of school to learn theology. It is all about theology. Or so it seems. Understandably though... that is their livelihood. 

I think there is more to life than believing the right way in this life in order to avoid eternal torture. Otherwise, why would God not influence most of his creation to believe a certain way? 

What is this life truly about? Is it not about learning to be more like Christ? To learn by faith, not having all the answers? No one has all the answers. We all walk by faith. Is this life the time to be put into the imperfect circumstances needed to learn true empathy that leads to charity towards all mankind? I think it is. 

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