On January 23, our whole family got the stomach flu. I always find it amazing how a stomach bug can go through a house so fast. Lizzy actually got it a couple of days earlier. then Elva had it Sunday morning, then me, then Mary, then Chris, then Selman and Finally Caeleb started throwing up when he woke up Monday morning. Monday was spent staying home from work and school, going from kid to kid, emptying throw up buckets, topping up glasses of gingerale and pedialyte, watching movies and resting. It is kind of nice to be together and doing nothing but resting all day. That same day, we found out that Chris' mom had a bilateral Pulmonary Embolism and they had to do CPR for 10 minutes. We experienced a miracle and she recovered and is doing very well. Even still, it shook up the whole Watters family and we really wanted to go out and visit everyone. A little over 3 weeks later, we were able to drive out there for family day and reading week (which both Chris and the kids got off) . I picked up a last minute night shift the night before and then we left at 9:00 that morning and drove to Salmon Arm where we stayed at a Hotel and met up with my good friend Lindsey. We ordered in Pizza and the kids had fun swimming in the Hotel pool. Elva and Caeleb are at a fun age where they could spend all day in a pool. We all were asleep by 9:30 or so (even Lindsey who ended up staying the night). We got up at 7:30, had a bag breakfast at the hotel and were on our way just after 9:00 am. We got to Tsawwassen ferry terminal a little after 2:00 but did not get on until the 5:00 ferry as it was a long weekend and very busy. We spent the Saturday, Sunday and Monday night at Jared's house - the girls were at Rachel and Eric's and Caeleb stayed at Wendy's house. We were not planning on staying at the parents as we wanted to make sure Lou Ann was recovering well and we were not an extra burden but we did end up staying there Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evening. We had family Supper together on Sunday, Tuesday (Taco 02022022 Tuesday) and Thursday, we had a volleyball night at the church with most of the family on the Monday and a games night on the Thursday night. It was so good to see everyone! Except we did not see Kurt or Alby as they do not seem to want to interact with the family anymore and it makes everyone so sad. Chris had online teachers conference on Thursday and Friday and he did that at Jared's house while I watched the kids at Gary and Lou Ann's. We went to two beaches while we were on the Island. It was beautiful when we went to Island View beach which is only a few minutes from the parent's house. It can be quite windy there but it was absolutely beautiful the day we went and if it is nice out, we may camp there this summer for a couple of nights. We left on the 4:00 pm ferry on Friday after Chris finished his teachers conference. I picked him up at Jared's at 2:15 and we drove around the Land's End part of the peninsula until it was time to go to the Ferry. We then drove until Kamloops and we arrived at Chris' cousin Athena's place at 9:30 pm. She and her husband and girls are so kind to us. They have a beautiful place and they are a beautiful family. It was so good to see family on this trip! We visited that night and we slept well. We left around 9:15 in the morning and stopped for supper at a sushi/korean place in Golden around 3:30. We made it home by 8:30 pm. I had to work the next day after church which was Sunday Feb 27th. Then I short shifted and worked Monday day shift (thanks Mom and Dad for watching the 3 youngest) and then I worked Tuesday evening, Saturday and Sunday day shift. During these last few weeks, my uncle has been ill and in the hospital for a few weeks, a cousin has needed foot surgery and another close family member has had Gullstone attacks. It has been a crazy last 6 weeks for our immediate and extended family. I am hoping for a happy, healthy spring coming up.
The story of a beautiful new life together that began when a prairie girl named Katherine met an island boy named Chris
Home on the Prairies

Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Monday, March 7, 2022
A wonderful Christmas
Friday, March 4, 2022
Many years ago, I heard of a teenage girl who killed herself in one of the Maritime provinces. I believe she was experiencing cyberbullying. That was the first I have heard of that and I was so confused as why internet bullying would cause a young girl to take her life. Now, I am quite familiar with it. So many youth take their lives or want to every year because of people bullying them on the internet. A few weeks ago, I was looking up the difference between the Plan of Salvation in my religious beliefs and those of Christians. I was disappointed in the negative comments on the youtube channel and the negativity in the video itself. I posted a comment. And I was attacked for it. I fought back. I admit I had a contentious spirit with me too. It was 3 people against me. I was told that I should not be a mom, I was told I belong in Hell, I was told to go to Hell, etc. I apologized for being contentious and no one apologized back. It was clear to the others that I was the stupid one, I was the one at fault, I was the sinner, my sin being so great that I deserved endless punishment in Hell. I understood a little of what those people feel who have been bullied on the internet, at school, work, anywhere. I wanted to give up. My daughter has been bullied a little at school. We have good snuggles and talks at night before bed when I am not working. I talked to her about my experience in a way that she could understand though I think it may have caused her to have a nightmare because she joined us in bed last night. I talked to her about the importance of being open and honest and to talk about bullying if it happens to her. I hope that my kids will always come to me with their problems. It is important to not keep feelings bottled up inside and to get help when needed. I also hope that we may all respect the beliefs of others. No one has all the answers. No one is perfect. We do not need to judge, we just need to love!