- 1)
Go to Heritage park. - 2)
Zoo pass with the kids - 3)
Go to the new Telus science center - 4)
Military museum with the kids - 5)
Elbow Falls with the family - 6)
Watch the sun rise on Nose Hill - 7)
Dine at the Calgary Tower (Update: Did this for Chris birthday September 2015. - 8)
Eat Lobster - go to red lobster - 9) Church history tour with the family (
I myself have been to Nauvoo, Palmyra, Hill Camorah pageant, Hauns Mill area, Adam ondi Amen, Carthege Jail, Salt Lake City) but church history is important to me, and I want to take the family10) Build a Garage - meaning have one built in our backyard11) RV trip with the family
12) Do a South or Central American Service trip with my family
13) Do the kids life picture books/albums.I am blogging for now.
14) Declutter and keep life simple (working on it)
15)Get bikes for the family.
16)Get a pet for the kids. We have 2 birds now.We have a cat for a while with AuntyLindsey here.A dog would be good. But I would love a horse for them! They are my favourite animal so of coarse I would want that for the kids (if they want one of course).
17)Go on a cruise
18)Stay at the Fantasyland hotel in Edmonton
19)Go to Mexico and eat street food there
20)Eat Authentic Korean food
21) Do regular indexing for the church (I have done a little but need to do more)
22)Become a charge nurse or at least confident enough to be one
23)Work in a Special Care Nursery
24)Disneyland with the family. I have doneDisneyland with Chris
25) Practice my piano so I get good enough to play for Primary and Relief society
26) Do one thing thrilling and daring such as Sky diving, going for a Hot air balloon ride (I see them leave from Heritage park when I walk to work early in the morning), Hang gliding, zip lining or Bungy jumping ( I just need to choose one).
27)Serve a mission.(Ecuador)And I would love to serve a mission with Chris
28) Save money to help my children be able to serve missions
29)Swim in the warm tropical ocean water(Ecuador - I also went to Tofino and watched people surf but don't really desire to surf)
30)Own a home(well a mortgage right now so working on it and it counts)
31)Yearly camping trips with the family (Drumheller, Waterton...
32)Do a blog and/or Journal (Working on that too)
33) Raise a family
34)Go for a sleigh ride
35)Write a book(not sure if it counts but I wrote a kids book - not professional at all - for my family for the Christmas of 2013. It will not be published but it was using my creativity36) Play with my kids. They can decide in the future how good I am at that
37) Learn to make healthy vegetable dishes/salads and teach my family to eat healthy and exercise (working on it)
38) Read my scriptures and pray daily and share my testimony with my family often (working on it)
39)Learn how to can peaches and tomatoes and other things(Mom has taught me)
40)Plant a garden( I need to keep doing better on this but I do try)
41)Do a nursing service trip (Bolivia when doing my Bachelors of Nursing at BYUI)
42)Jump a horse/do barrel racing/try trick riding/Gallop and race(When I had my horses Trixie and Blaze)
43)Make a quilt
44) Have a calling to serve in the Temple or at least go once a month for a year (or more).
45) Have a 6 month food storage (which works for our home now - a 12 month one if we live in a bigger home some day)
46)Go to lots of plays(Les Miserables, Anne of Green Gables, Joseph and the Technicolor dream coat, Annie, My Fair Lady, Oliver to name a few).Yet to go to are Matilda andMary Poppins.
47)Learn another language(Spanish)
48)Learn more about Chris' hobbies: Computers, photography and model game 49) Work in the Emergency room (never really was a goal but I have put my time in there for a year and have felt somewhat like I have done my duty).50) Go to New York City (manhatten).-
The story of a beautiful new life together that began when a prairie girl named Katherine met an island boy named Chris
Home on the Prairies

Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Bucket List
At work I deal a lot with people who are dying. That is just how it goes on Medical and Palliative units and I work on both. It can be very emotionally, spiritually and physically draining. But it can be just as rewarding listening to people reflect on life and memories and helping people feel more comfortable and at peace as they go through their trial. Every life is meaningful. Just the other day I was talking to one of my patient's about things she wanted to accomplish in life. She had just received a devastating diagnosis. She had the goal to make it back to Prince Edward Island where she was from. And she had the goal to have a sisters get away. It made me think about what I want in life. I know I want a simple life. I want to find happiness in simplicity. But there are specific things I would like to do in my life if I can. I read my cousin's blog the other day and she has a bucket list. I have one as well. I may very well add to it but this is what I have now. Here it goes:- Get to know and love my city Calgary by:
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