Home on the Prairies

Home on the Prairies

Friday, May 3, 2013

Things I know.

I am just reflecting on life as I go to bed tonight. Life can be confusing and bewildering. I lack so much knowledge, confidence, faith... I am slowly working on those things. But there are some things I know for sure and I want to tell you the ones that come to my mind before I go to sleep...

1). There is a purpose to life. There is a purpose for Eternity!

2). Heavenly Father loves us all individually and he knows us individually.

3). It is okay not to understand everything. We are not expected too. We learn line upon line, precept upon precept.

4). Reading the Book of Mormon will make you feel peaceful and good inside. There is an amazing power in that book!

5). Each person has his/her own potential and purpose in living this life and living throughout eternity.

6). Living in the moment has it's significance. It may be hard to understand but each moment in life can have such powerful and everlasting meaning.

7). Heavenly Father remembers the good moments in life and makes those moments infinitely outweigh the hard moments.

8). We will one day understand the hard moments in life. They have their place and meaning and actually can be turned into good.

9). Newborn babies can see past you into the heavens. They smile at the angels and people up there. The veil is so thin when babies are born and it slowly thickens. (I think it can get thin again if one gets close to the spirit).

10). Little children have a pure form of happiness that can cleanse the world from sadness. Heavenly Father intends for all his children to have that type of happiness and trust.

11). We can all be given opportunities in life to rise up and be a great support, teacher, friend, leader to another person. In doing so, it creates a glimpse (and practice) of what awaits us throughout eternity.

12). Life may seem incredibly complicated but in trying to understand little by little, and in accepting Heavenly Father's plan and the Saviours Atonement, it can be beautifully simple.

13). The knowledge and attributes we gain in this life continue with us and we can somehow eternally add upon them and perfect them.

14). The relationships that we make in this life will continue on into the next life. Family bonds will be everlasting and even those friendships we have will continue on.

15). Heavenly Father and the Saviour understand us completely. They know our weaknesses and insecurities. They know how to make them into strengths. We can trust in them to help us do so.

16). This is the plan of Happiness. Eternal Happiness! It is a perfect plan.



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