Dear Chris, I want to let you know how much I love you. I am grateful for all you do for our family. You are such a good Dad and take such good care of the kids! I think it is amazing that you did all that shopping on Wednesday with the 4 kids by yourself while I was at work. I could not have done that! I would have stopped half way. And you even took the time to stop by the Rockyview hospital to visit me at work. Thank you! I think it is amazing that you have graduated with 2 degrees while raising a family. I am not sure I could have done that. My heart was touched watching you help with the baby chicks the last few days. I know you are not so much an animal fan but I am grateful that you are becoming a farm boy in your own way. Thank you for making our Disney trip amazing! Thank you for forgiving me when I get upset. Right now, as you lay asleep in bed, I am feeling a little lost, confused and alone as I know that we are so different and that we are often on different pages (or maybe we are on the same page but completely interpret the page differently - who knows), but at least we are in this book of life together. Just want you to know that I love you. Love Katherine