Baby Selman has arrived and we are loving every minute with him! We love family names and so Selman is after my Selman side of the family (I am excited to tell him about his Great Grandma and Grandpa Selman) and Gary is after Chris' dad. Here is his story...
I had my 39 weeks and 2 days doctors appointment on Thursday morning March 8th with Dr. Fahey (she was Elva and Mary's OB as well). My visiting teacher took Mary and Elva had an all day field trip at the Leighton art center. I had been feeling stressed with Chris needing to do finals and assignments and get ready to start his practicum on March 19th in Vulcan which would put him an hour away and living at the farm if the baby came late (due date was Tuesday March 13th but I was thinking he would come later and my tentative overdue induction date had been set for Friday March 23rd). I talked to Dr. Fahey about my stresses and we had a good talk and even a good laugh (it is fun to talk to her). But after another sweep (my 4th one) at the end of the appointment, she looked at me seriously and said that I looked like I felt there was something wrong with baby and that I could be induced the next day if I wanted too. I said I would think about it and left her office feeling caught off guard and confused about that sudden comment. That confusion turned into anxiety throughout the afternoon and evening and I decided I would go to labour and delivery triage the next morning just to make sure baby was okay and to get a second opinion of things.
So the next morning, my friend Laura watched Mary while Elva and Caeleb were in school and I went to triage for a non-stress test at 9:00. Baby looked fine and the doctor on call eased my fears and did yet another sweep (my 5th one in the last 2 weeks). She said my waters were bulging and that maybe she would see me that evening. I naturally thought my water would break that day. I went home and Chris let me get an hour nap in the afternoon. I had contractions on and off about every 15-30 minutes for most of the day and evening. I fell asleep with the kids at 8:30 pm and then went to my bed around 9:30. At 10:30 pm, a contraction woke me up so I felt like "maybe things are starting to happen." I tried to sleep for the next few hours but was not able to get much rest. At about 12:30 am, I felt a little gush of something and went to the bathroom to check it out. Low and behold, quite a bit of blood and a big red clot. "Oh, darn." I knew what bleeding could mean as much of my pregnancy with Elva was with a chronic placental abruption. So I quickly woke up Chris saying "we need to get to the hospital now!" Thank goodness for Nathan watching the kids! Thank you Nathan!! I got my hospital bag but could not quickly find my purse so we left it. Chris was running around the house like a chicken with its head cut off getting his things together and I was like "hurry up!" We would have ran red lights but luckily the 5 minute drive to the hospital was mostly green lights. Chris hurried me up to the 7th floor in a wheelchair as I was still bleeding and they got us in right away in triage. They hooked me up to the monitor and baby was okay (sigh of relief). The Nurse started IV fluids and Dr. Wilson saw me soon after. He checked and I was 3.5 - 4 cm dialated. He was not sure if it was a placental abruption but they kept me on the monitor to make sure baby was okay. I was still having regular contractions about 8 minutes apart so after we were reassured for some time about baby, Chris and I got up and started walking around the unit to see if we could get labour going faster. The bleeding had almost stopped at that point. They found me a room and moved me there at about 2:30 am. I tried sleeping the rest of the night but I was still have contractions about every 8 minutes apart for 30 seconds (I was timing them) and I could not sleep well. They were not very intense but they kept me up. Dr. Wilson came in at 8:00 in the morning and told us that he was not going to send me home due to my history of bleeding and the fact that I was due the coming Tuesday. He wanted to induce me so he broke my water (Labour and Delivery is the messiest, wettest unit in a hospital I tell you) and then I was allowed to order breakfast and get up and walk for a while (just wasn't allowed to walk off the unit). My Nurse hooked me up to a Pitocin drip at 9:15 (2cc/hr) and then I was on continuous baby heart monitoring after that. She upped the Pitocin drip every 30 minutes by 2 cc until I was at about 7 cc/hr (I guess the limit is about 11 cc/hr for most inductions but I did not need that). They do have a portable baby monitor so Chris and I walked around the unit some more. We walked around the unit about 8 times in total during my stay. The contractions got stronger and stronger and by about 1030 I had to stop to breath through them while walking. I bounced on the birthing ball for a while and then found the most comfortable position was leaning against the bed while standing and gripping on to the rails of the bed. Chris spent from that time forward fanning me with a book to help me feel like I was getting more air. I did not want to get into bed as I had found it paralyzed me in a way when I was in labour with Mary and I could not cope well with her labour. Chris called my church friend/Doula Leiah at about 11:00 as I was needing extra support by then (I had wanted a Doula to help me for this labour and I was lucky to find one in my ward). Leiah was there at about 1130 and she took charge and did hip squeezes as the contractions came. The hip squeezes really helped. The contractions were really intense at that point and there was not much of a break in between them. I was quietly moaning through them. The doctor wanted to check me at 1200 and I really did not want her too as I was scared that I had not dilated more (I had been slow dilating with Mary and it had been discouraging) but I let her check and I was super happy when she said I was "a good 7 cm". I could have done a dance I was so happy (okay, maybe not do a dance at that point). I decided to take a shower after that which was kind of awkward with everyone watching (well, it was Leiah, Chris and the Nurse though it seemed like more people were in the bathroom than that - my memory is hazy about some things as I was in la la land with pain at that point). I was needing help to get into the shower while hooked up to the IV and baby monitor and having contractions but heck, I am a nurse, I don't get embarrassed anymore. To be honest, the shower did not help but it helped pass the time for about 5 minutes and it was a change of scenery. When I got out, I leaned against the bed for another couple of contractions and then felt like I could not hold myself up any longer and I felt like I might fall down. Leiah says that wobbly legs is a sign of transitioning to 10 cm so that must have been it. I did not want to get into bed but really did not have an option at that point so I ended up kneeling in bed facing the head of the bed and holding on to the rails. A few minutes later, about 1225, I felt I had to push. Actually I really felt like I had to have a bowel movement and maybe push my rectum out in the process (a little graphic I know).
Dr. Zachariason and resident were called in and I had to turn around in bed which was hard and I was dreading that as I did not want to be on my back. I remember asking if baby was coming as I just really felt I had to go to the bathroom at that point. I don't think I was that loud but I was definitely making some weird noises. 3 contractions with pushes later and Baby Selman was born. They immediately put him on my chest and it took a couple of minutes for him to give a good cry but no one was worried and he did well. When he was coming out they said he looked like he had a lot of hair (but not nearly as much as Mary). The nurse said he was a big boy and he weighed in at 8 lbs 6 ounces but that really did not seem a lot compared to Mary. What a handsome little boy he is! I had a 2nd degree tare like I did with Caeleb and Mary and so I was stitched up after the placenta was delivered. They did such a good job and I have not felt it since (with Caeleb it was a different story - so pokey and uncomfortable). Things went so well and I feel so blessed that I was really only in active labour for about 2.5 hours. The doctor did say after the placenta was delivered that she thought it was an abruption that caused the bleeding. But baby was never affected by it and it turned out so well. I did bleed quite a bit after and the doctor had to clean things out by hand (which was a weird experience but not nearly as painful as they said it would be and I did not need the fentanyl and laughing gas they offered me). The Doctor and Nurse said I was tough but that part really wasn't that bad. My hemoglobin only went down to 100 and I believe that my healing has been so fast due to the interventions that the doctor took. We stayed in the hospital until 1:00 Sunday afternoon. Mom, Dad and Camellia brought the kids to visit baby Selman on Saturday afternoon and they were immediately smitten by him. Chris stayed overnight with me. The rooms are so big and new and comfortable and it is nice to have a bed for a partner. We came home to supper provided by Camellia, Mom and a lady in our ward. We were also brought supper Monday to Friday by families in the ward. We are so grateful for all that has been done for us. I have felt so wonderful ever since baby has been born. Just tired of coarse as Selman is not the greatest sleeper (none of my kids have been great sleepers) but otherwise I feel really really good. In fact, I went to church yesterday with Caeleb, Elva and Mary to teach Chris' primary lesson while he stayed home with baby Selman (he does good with taking a bottle and with nursing). I also took Caeleb, Elva and their friend Sydney to the play Annie on Saturday while Chris watched Mary and Selman. Paul and Kamille's daughter Kyndal was in the play and she did great! Mom and Dad took the girls for half of last week - Thank you so much! I had Monday and Tuesday just baby Selman and me while Caeleb and Chris were at school. Wednesday - Sunday have been busy with the 4 kids but Mom and Dad took Mary again yesterday (Sunday) evening and will have her until Friday. Chris is down at the farm as well for Student teaching in Vulcan. I really feel so blessed to have baby Selman here safe and sound. I know I write a lot but I feel like every unique experience of when Heavenly Father sends a child to a family is a miracle and an amazing blessing and I want to remember everything about this experience. We feel so blessed to have Selman Gary Watters in our family.
The story of a beautiful new life together that began when a prairie girl named Katherine met an island boy named Chris
Home on the Prairies

Monday, March 19, 2018
Saturday, March 3, 2018
Baby is Almost here - Also catching up on Christmas 2017
Well, I need to catch up on Christmas 2017 before baby arrives. It is about to get even more busy around here with another little one. The kids are excited to meet little boy (well, I don't really think Mary understands too much about it).
When we got back from Victoria the week before Christmas, I went right back to work the next day and worked 4 days that week. Chris was busy that week finding us a new vehicle and we were blessed to find a 2012 Kia for a little less then what they gave us from insurance for our totalled Mazda 5 (we got about $10000 for the Mazda). It is just the right van for us, we love the extra room and we have felt many tender mercies by getting this newer vehicle.
Thursday December 23, we went to the Nutcracker Ballet (see the last post) and on Friday December 22 we went to the Nativity Pageant at Heritage Park which is tradition. It was a cold night but we enjoyed watching the true meaning of Christmas.
I worked Saturday evening as well as Christmas eve Sunday. They were busy but good shifts and even though it is hard being away from the family when I work holidays, I like the spirit at work during the holidays.
On Christmas morning, the kids woke up about 6:30 and opened their stockings. We had Sister Snow ( a lady in our ward that we drive to church) over for a breakfast of crepes. At about 1000 we opened our gifts. Caeleb got some minecraft lego from Santa and Sterling and some Warhammer models from Daddy. Elva got a baby Alive from Santa and her and Mary got doll strollers from the Nelsons. Mary got a barn playset from Santa and the girls also got a Barbie pool. The grandparents got the kids coloring supplies which we love and new ornaments for the tree. I got Chris a Warhammer book and he got me a calendar. I know I have missed lots as it felt like we got a lot as usual. I will try to come back and fill in the gaps.
We took Sister Snow down to the farm for Christmas dinner and she came back with Nathan that evening. Elva had the flu that day and the poor little girl slept most of the afternoon but she was better by the next day. The kids acted out the Nativity on Boxing day and we had a little Smith family program. We played games that day and watched movies and hung out inside as it was a very cold week.
The day after Boxing day we went to Camellia and Doug's house to watch the kids while Camellia worked and they went on a date to the Temple. It was still very cold out but we did get out to do a little sledding while we were there.
We cleaned the church the Saturday before New Years Eve and after church on New Years Eve, we had a couple in our ward and their twin 15 year olds over for supper, appetizers and to play the game DC superheros. The kids were in bed around 9:00 that night and we stayed up until midnight.
I picked up a couple of extra shifts in January and went on vacation time/maternity leave February 5th (that was my last shift). I probably could have worked longer (I was only 35 weeks at that time) but my scheduler suggested I take my vacation time and I have been feeling very pregnant with ligament pain down below that is affecting how fast I can move.
Also, we are getting our house ready to be put on the market at the beginning of April so we are starting to paint and declutter and organize. And the kids have been keeping me busy with school and life - this last week Mary has not been sleeping well and has been keeping me up at nights. I am writing this at 3:00 in the morning and I think it is pregnancy that is keeping me up right now - just can't sleep.
So, I fell 3 days ago on Wednesday Afternoon February 28th. It was silly really. Mom and Dad took Mary for the day as Chris was down in Vulcan spending a day at the elementary school he will be student teaching at in a few weeks. I walked Elva to school and I took her skating at the rink by the school before going to kindergarten. She wanted to go sledding down the small hill at the park there ( I took Caeleb and Mary sledding there the last Monday) and I agreed to go down with her once. I did not realize there was a jump at the bottom and we got some good air and I came right down on my pelvic bone. It was very painful and hard to get up but I hobbled Elva to her class and then Ellie's dad (that is Elva's best friend at school) drove me to the South Hospital and I spent 4 hours there making sure baby was okay. It was very hard for me to move after this fall. Chris picked up the kids, then picked me up at the hospital and I rested that evening (thanks Chris) and have been taking it pretty easy since. I had an appointment and Ultrasound (to see if baby was okay with the fall) the day after, Thursday, and thanks mom and dad for coming to watch the girls that day. Today, Saturday early, I feel a lot better. We even went to the Home and Garden show (amidst a snow storm) yesterday and it was good to walk and walk and walk. I was tired after but hopefully it will move baby along (I have also tried spicy indian food which I crave these days and pinapple). The kids love the Home and Garden show and all the free treats. They made little tool boxes at the Home Depot exhibit and they got lots of candy.
Well, I best be getting to bed again as it is after 3:00 in the morning on Saturday. I am not feeling any contractions - just a little cramping on and off the last few weeks). I will be 39 weeks this coming Tuesday and I feel like baby may hold on for a few more weeks. I guess we will see. I am due Tuesday March 13 but I have an induction date set for Friday March 23 at 2:00 (Chris should be able to make it back from Vulcan by then) if baby does not come before then. It is a little nerve-wracking as Chris is very busy with homework now and he starts his student teaching on Monday March 19th and will be living at the farm - but I guess it is just an hour and 15 minutes away and it will all work out. I am excited to meet this little boy (the ultrasound on Thursday showed he weighed around 8 and 1/2 lbs so he will most likely be a big baby boy). I will just enjoy the last of this pregnancy and will meet this little one when he is good and ready. I feel so blessed to feel him kicking around inside. I just want him to be safe.
Well, I best get back to bed soon. I will keep you updated on what happens in the next few weeks.
When we got back from Victoria the week before Christmas, I went right back to work the next day and worked 4 days that week. Chris was busy that week finding us a new vehicle and we were blessed to find a 2012 Kia for a little less then what they gave us from insurance for our totalled Mazda 5 (we got about $10000 for the Mazda). It is just the right van for us, we love the extra room and we have felt many tender mercies by getting this newer vehicle.
Thursday December 23, we went to the Nutcracker Ballet (see the last post) and on Friday December 22 we went to the Nativity Pageant at Heritage Park which is tradition. It was a cold night but we enjoyed watching the true meaning of Christmas.
I worked Saturday evening as well as Christmas eve Sunday. They were busy but good shifts and even though it is hard being away from the family when I work holidays, I like the spirit at work during the holidays.
On Christmas morning, the kids woke up about 6:30 and opened their stockings. We had Sister Snow ( a lady in our ward that we drive to church) over for a breakfast of crepes. At about 1000 we opened our gifts. Caeleb got some minecraft lego from Santa and Sterling and some Warhammer models from Daddy. Elva got a baby Alive from Santa and her and Mary got doll strollers from the Nelsons. Mary got a barn playset from Santa and the girls also got a Barbie pool. The grandparents got the kids coloring supplies which we love and new ornaments for the tree. I got Chris a Warhammer book and he got me a calendar. I know I have missed lots as it felt like we got a lot as usual. I will try to come back and fill in the gaps.
We took Sister Snow down to the farm for Christmas dinner and she came back with Nathan that evening. Elva had the flu that day and the poor little girl slept most of the afternoon but she was better by the next day. The kids acted out the Nativity on Boxing day and we had a little Smith family program. We played games that day and watched movies and hung out inside as it was a very cold week.
The day after Boxing day we went to Camellia and Doug's house to watch the kids while Camellia worked and they went on a date to the Temple. It was still very cold out but we did get out to do a little sledding while we were there.
We cleaned the church the Saturday before New Years Eve and after church on New Years Eve, we had a couple in our ward and their twin 15 year olds over for supper, appetizers and to play the game DC superheros. The kids were in bed around 9:00 that night and we stayed up until midnight.
I picked up a couple of extra shifts in January and went on vacation time/maternity leave February 5th (that was my last shift). I probably could have worked longer (I was only 35 weeks at that time) but my scheduler suggested I take my vacation time and I have been feeling very pregnant with ligament pain down below that is affecting how fast I can move.
Also, we are getting our house ready to be put on the market at the beginning of April so we are starting to paint and declutter and organize. And the kids have been keeping me busy with school and life - this last week Mary has not been sleeping well and has been keeping me up at nights. I am writing this at 3:00 in the morning and I think it is pregnancy that is keeping me up right now - just can't sleep.
So, I fell 3 days ago on Wednesday Afternoon February 28th. It was silly really. Mom and Dad took Mary for the day as Chris was down in Vulcan spending a day at the elementary school he will be student teaching at in a few weeks. I walked Elva to school and I took her skating at the rink by the school before going to kindergarten. She wanted to go sledding down the small hill at the park there ( I took Caeleb and Mary sledding there the last Monday) and I agreed to go down with her once. I did not realize there was a jump at the bottom and we got some good air and I came right down on my pelvic bone. It was very painful and hard to get up but I hobbled Elva to her class and then Ellie's dad (that is Elva's best friend at school) drove me to the South Hospital and I spent 4 hours there making sure baby was okay. It was very hard for me to move after this fall. Chris picked up the kids, then picked me up at the hospital and I rested that evening (thanks Chris) and have been taking it pretty easy since. I had an appointment and Ultrasound (to see if baby was okay with the fall) the day after, Thursday, and thanks mom and dad for coming to watch the girls that day. Today, Saturday early, I feel a lot better. We even went to the Home and Garden show (amidst a snow storm) yesterday and it was good to walk and walk and walk. I was tired after but hopefully it will move baby along (I have also tried spicy indian food which I crave these days and pinapple). The kids love the Home and Garden show and all the free treats. They made little tool boxes at the Home Depot exhibit and they got lots of candy.
Well, I best be getting to bed again as it is after 3:00 in the morning on Saturday. I am not feeling any contractions - just a little cramping on and off the last few weeks). I will be 39 weeks this coming Tuesday and I feel like baby may hold on for a few more weeks. I guess we will see. I am due Tuesday March 13 but I have an induction date set for Friday March 23 at 2:00 (Chris should be able to make it back from Vulcan by then) if baby does not come before then. It is a little nerve-wracking as Chris is very busy with homework now and he starts his student teaching on Monday March 19th and will be living at the farm - but I guess it is just an hour and 15 minutes away and it will all work out. I am excited to meet this little boy (the ultrasound on Thursday showed he weighed around 8 and 1/2 lbs so he will most likely be a big baby boy). I will just enjoy the last of this pregnancy and will meet this little one when he is good and ready. I feel so blessed to feel him kicking around inside. I just want him to be safe.
Well, I best get back to bed soon. I will keep you updated on what happens in the next few weeks.
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