The story of a beautiful new life together that began when a prairie girl named Katherine met an island boy named Chris
Home on the Prairies

Sunday, September 22, 2013
Milestones for Elva!
Just a quick blog to let you know what Elva has been up too. She started crawling the middle of August, about 2 weeks before turning 9 months. She is a quick learner, that girl. Even with being 5 weeks early, she crawled before Caeleb did. Must be a girl thing, right. Then, September 18th (I believe), she brought herself up to her feet by using a little chair to support her. Now she is standing with support! And she is starting to attempt the stairs. I need to watch her more closely now so that she does not get into too much trouble. She will be walking before we know it. I swear, I am not pushing her to do anything. I want her to stay my snuggly little Jean Bean. But this little girl is a go-getter, that is for sure. Stay tuned to hear about what she does next!
Summer of 2013
Well, I have been putting off updating this blog because this will probably take a long time to write - I need to cover the whole summer. It was a really great summer, that is for sure. A lot of memories were made. Soon after we moved into our new house the end of May, our slow motion "firework" (or flowerwork is more the right word) show started. Our yard has a lot of bushes and flowers that started blooming soon after we moved in and we woke up almost everyday to new, bright, colorful flowers. It was a lot of fun to watch and it helped me appreciate the beauty that surrounds us in this world. I planted a little garden as well and it actually did quite well since we had a lot of rain the beginning of the summer. We got peas, zucchini, carrots, spinach, lettuce, some radishes and lots of beans. And our raspberry bush gave us lots of raspberries. Caeleb sure looked forward to raspberry picking. He loves them!
Cousin Laura, her daughter Lydia, Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Gord came to visit Cardston for July first and so I went down to visit them. Camellia and I had so much fun catching up with Laura. We had not seen her in more than 3 years. We went for walks in the evening, out on the farm roads. We had a picnic in Waterton. We went on a Jeep ride with Nathan on some very bumpy, muddy roads and that was a blast. We went to the Raymond parade and had a Selman family lunch afterwards. It was good to see some of Mom's cousins and our second cousins.
My friend Lindsey stayed with us a week during the beginning of July. We just hung out and she helped with Caeleb and Elva. She is like an aunt to them. On my birthday, we headed to kids day at the Calgary Stampede grounds. It was busy and hot but we still had fun. I made sure we bulldozed the stroller through the masses of people to get to the Barney show at the Grand Stand and I yelled loud and jumped up high to get Caeleb a free Barney stuffed animal. Yep, he is a big fan!
Chris gave me the best present ever for my birthday - A really nice Roland keyboard - piano to complete our home. I have spent a lot of time practicing songs from the Children's songbook. I want to be able to play songs to our children on Sunday mornings before church and for Family Home Evening and other times as well. It relaxes me to play the piano.
The afternoon after my birthday, Chris, Caeleb, Elva and I took off on a fun road trip down to a Brown (Chris' moms side of the family) family reunion in Oregon. We stopped at a hotel in Great Falls the first night (Thursday July 11), then continued down to Rexburg where I met up with my Nursing friends Melissa and Toni. It was so good to see them. There were 6 of us that were really good friends in Nursing school and they were the only ones who could make it but it was great all the same. Melissa watched the kids on Saturday so that Chris and I could do a session in the Rexburg temple. What a beautiful temple on top of a hill surrounded by wheat fields and BYUI campus. It had not been built when I went there 2002-2005. Melissa has 4 kids now and I look up to her and her family so much. I was able to show Chris around BYUI campus and it brought back so many memories and feelings. I loved going to school there and I hope my kids can do the same. I felt the spirit so strongly taking Chris through the dedicated buildings. I introduced him to some of my Nursing instructors and we walked down a sweet memory lane. We camped Friday and Saturday night at Beaver Dick park (I camped there with Mom and Dad too - except in chilly October of a year that I was at school there). We went to Church with Melissa's family on Sunday and then took off to Oregon where we stopped on a border town and stayed the night in a hotel.
Monday started off the Family reunion - 1:00 at Camp Wallowa Oregon. It was a beautiful camp nestled in a small range of mountains that were surrounded by flat lands. The cabins were divided up between families and I think there were around 90 people there. All 10 Brown kids were there including Chris' Mom. And then children and grandchildren. We had a cute little circular type cabin that I would have loved to take home with me. There was not much organization in activities which I thought was great. Just time to relax and visit with family. The meals were prepared by the camp and that was nice. On the Tuesday, Chris, Elva, Caeleb and I took a Gondola to the top of a nearby mountain. It was a little rainy but a beautiful view. The traditional Brown auction was that evening and then some more visiting. We all left on Wednesday at noon and We caravanned with Lou Ann, Gary, Wendy and her boys. It was a hot day! We ended up camping in Washington somewhere - A town in the middle of nowhere it seemed.
On Thursday, we drove most of the day too and then took an afternoon ferry to Vancouver Island. I am so glad we decided to do a circle trip and go to Vancouver Island in order to see the rest of Chris' family that could not come to the family reunion. We spent Friday visiting and I was able to help my sister in law Rachel pack a little as they were planning on moving the next week. We went to church with the family on Sunday and went to a nearby beach on Sunday evening. I love being at the beach in the evening. It was beautiful and peaceful. Like usual, it took a very long day in the car to get back to Calgary that Monday. With the jumping ahead an hour we never get home before 10:00 or 11:00 at night. Just a side note before continuing. I noticed that Victoria seemed hot and dry with yellowing grass. Calgary has been wet and humid and green all summer. Funny, isn't it. It should be the opposite. Hmmm.
Caeleb had swimming lessons starting the Monday August 12. It was a Parent and Tot thing so Chris and I took turns swimming with him each lesson. The lessons were every night from 6:00-6:30 Monday to Thursday for two weeks and it was a blast! Caeleb has had an on and off fear of the water since he was about 9 months old. We knew we had to break that somehow. This seemed to do the trick. It took a bit to get Caeleb to put his head under the water willingly and he still is not perfect at that but he learned to love his swimming lessons and would look forward to them all day everyday. We played fun games like Going on a Bear Hunt, Humpty Dumpty, Herman the worm, and would sing a lot and Caeleb was a very animated participant and memorable kid in the class. We would sing the songs during the day as they were fun to sing. Caeleb's teacher was very nice and I think she had a special place in her heart for Caeleb. Swimming lessons, a level up, will definitely be on the list for next year.
We went and saw Les Mis at Cardston on August 10th. I saw this show (which is my favourite musical) at the Jubilee Auditorium when I was 17. It was just as well done in Cardston! I loved it! The characters were very well cast. I especially thought Javert, Eponine, Marius and Gavroche were excellent. Les Miserables was about the only music I would listen too between the ages of 8 and 12. I would put the tape in my Walkman and listen to it in the car or we would listen to it at home and I learned almost all the words. Mom read us a simplified version of the book when we were growing up and I fell in love with the musical as well.
Wow, every weekend in August was filled up pretty much. And most weekdays were spent going to the park with the kids and sometimes other friends and their kids, walking to the stores in McKenzie town nearby and hanging out at home. The weekend of August 17th, Camellia and Sterling came up and we canned peaches. Sterling and Caeleb play so well together and Camellia and I have a blast when we are together. We missed Mom being here to can with us though. We have such wonderful memories of canning peaches, pears, beats, cherries, beans etc on the farm as well as freezing peas and corn. Well, next year Mom and Dad will be on the farm and we will have to have a canning party. I love the smells of canning and the feeling that you get when you store the food you have prepared through canning. I also love my farm memories with my family.
The next weekend, August 24 (Saturday), Chris, Caeleb, Elva and I went camping in the Champion campground. Probably will be the only time we ever do that as the farm is 15 minutes away from Champion (but is being lived in by our Neigbor's Scott and his family at the present). We tried out Caeleb's recently developed "swimming type" skills in the Champion pool. I grew up swimming and doing swimming lessons in this pool and have fun memories. That night, I was able to attend my Elementary and High School friend's wedding outside of the Champion hall. They were married at sunset and it was a beautiful wedding. She looked gorgeous in her dress and the scenery was breathtaking. I am so happy for her! On Sunday, we went to church in the Champion ward and I enjoyed seeing the familiar faces of my dear Champion ward family. The ward has become a lot smaller and I would love to move back to the ward someday to help it grow if that is what is to be. I guess we will see what the future holds. I aim to be happy wherever I am.
Lo and Behold, guess who had her baby that same day. Camellia! How convenient that we were in Champion and she was in hard labour that morning so we just zipped down to Lethbridge after church ended at 1:00. I got to the Lethbridge hospital in time to hear little Liam cry his first cry. I was waiting at the Labour/Delivery Nurses Station but I still heard him and then I got to go and see him too. So little Liam joined the family at about 3:00 on Sunday August 25th 2013. What a cute little guy he is and I am so happy for Camellia and Doug. Mom and Dad will come home to 4 Grandchildren. Their Grandchild population doubled while they were on their mission!
Well, it is September 22 now (as I am writing this). Summer is still here. The grass is green and the leaves are just starting to turn color. It is still quite warm out most days but it hasn't been a very hot summer - just perfect really. I am excited for the Fall though. I love the Fall! I will keep you updated on future excitement. Until then, Goodnight!
Cousin Laura, her daughter Lydia, Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Gord came to visit Cardston for July first and so I went down to visit them. Camellia and I had so much fun catching up with Laura. We had not seen her in more than 3 years. We went for walks in the evening, out on the farm roads. We had a picnic in Waterton. We went on a Jeep ride with Nathan on some very bumpy, muddy roads and that was a blast. We went to the Raymond parade and had a Selman family lunch afterwards. It was good to see some of Mom's cousins and our second cousins.
My friend Lindsey stayed with us a week during the beginning of July. We just hung out and she helped with Caeleb and Elva. She is like an aunt to them. On my birthday, we headed to kids day at the Calgary Stampede grounds. It was busy and hot but we still had fun. I made sure we bulldozed the stroller through the masses of people to get to the Barney show at the Grand Stand and I yelled loud and jumped up high to get Caeleb a free Barney stuffed animal. Yep, he is a big fan!
Chris gave me the best present ever for my birthday - A really nice Roland keyboard - piano to complete our home. I have spent a lot of time practicing songs from the Children's songbook. I want to be able to play songs to our children on Sunday mornings before church and for Family Home Evening and other times as well. It relaxes me to play the piano.
The afternoon after my birthday, Chris, Caeleb, Elva and I took off on a fun road trip down to a Brown (Chris' moms side of the family) family reunion in Oregon. We stopped at a hotel in Great Falls the first night (Thursday July 11), then continued down to Rexburg where I met up with my Nursing friends Melissa and Toni. It was so good to see them. There were 6 of us that were really good friends in Nursing school and they were the only ones who could make it but it was great all the same. Melissa watched the kids on Saturday so that Chris and I could do a session in the Rexburg temple. What a beautiful temple on top of a hill surrounded by wheat fields and BYUI campus. It had not been built when I went there 2002-2005. Melissa has 4 kids now and I look up to her and her family so much. I was able to show Chris around BYUI campus and it brought back so many memories and feelings. I loved going to school there and I hope my kids can do the same. I felt the spirit so strongly taking Chris through the dedicated buildings. I introduced him to some of my Nursing instructors and we walked down a sweet memory lane. We camped Friday and Saturday night at Beaver Dick park (I camped there with Mom and Dad too - except in chilly October of a year that I was at school there). We went to Church with Melissa's family on Sunday and then took off to Oregon where we stopped on a border town and stayed the night in a hotel.
Monday started off the Family reunion - 1:00 at Camp Wallowa Oregon. It was a beautiful camp nestled in a small range of mountains that were surrounded by flat lands. The cabins were divided up between families and I think there were around 90 people there. All 10 Brown kids were there including Chris' Mom. And then children and grandchildren. We had a cute little circular type cabin that I would have loved to take home with me. There was not much organization in activities which I thought was great. Just time to relax and visit with family. The meals were prepared by the camp and that was nice. On the Tuesday, Chris, Elva, Caeleb and I took a Gondola to the top of a nearby mountain. It was a little rainy but a beautiful view. The traditional Brown auction was that evening and then some more visiting. We all left on Wednesday at noon and We caravanned with Lou Ann, Gary, Wendy and her boys. It was a hot day! We ended up camping in Washington somewhere - A town in the middle of nowhere it seemed.
On Thursday, we drove most of the day too and then took an afternoon ferry to Vancouver Island. I am so glad we decided to do a circle trip and go to Vancouver Island in order to see the rest of Chris' family that could not come to the family reunion. We spent Friday visiting and I was able to help my sister in law Rachel pack a little as they were planning on moving the next week. We went to church with the family on Sunday and went to a nearby beach on Sunday evening. I love being at the beach in the evening. It was beautiful and peaceful. Like usual, it took a very long day in the car to get back to Calgary that Monday. With the jumping ahead an hour we never get home before 10:00 or 11:00 at night. Just a side note before continuing. I noticed that Victoria seemed hot and dry with yellowing grass. Calgary has been wet and humid and green all summer. Funny, isn't it. It should be the opposite. Hmmm.
Caeleb had swimming lessons starting the Monday August 12. It was a Parent and Tot thing so Chris and I took turns swimming with him each lesson. The lessons were every night from 6:00-6:30 Monday to Thursday for two weeks and it was a blast! Caeleb has had an on and off fear of the water since he was about 9 months old. We knew we had to break that somehow. This seemed to do the trick. It took a bit to get Caeleb to put his head under the water willingly and he still is not perfect at that but he learned to love his swimming lessons and would look forward to them all day everyday. We played fun games like Going on a Bear Hunt, Humpty Dumpty, Herman the worm, and would sing a lot and Caeleb was a very animated participant and memorable kid in the class. We would sing the songs during the day as they were fun to sing. Caeleb's teacher was very nice and I think she had a special place in her heart for Caeleb. Swimming lessons, a level up, will definitely be on the list for next year.
We went and saw Les Mis at Cardston on August 10th. I saw this show (which is my favourite musical) at the Jubilee Auditorium when I was 17. It was just as well done in Cardston! I loved it! The characters were very well cast. I especially thought Javert, Eponine, Marius and Gavroche were excellent. Les Miserables was about the only music I would listen too between the ages of 8 and 12. I would put the tape in my Walkman and listen to it in the car or we would listen to it at home and I learned almost all the words. Mom read us a simplified version of the book when we were growing up and I fell in love with the musical as well.
Wow, every weekend in August was filled up pretty much. And most weekdays were spent going to the park with the kids and sometimes other friends and their kids, walking to the stores in McKenzie town nearby and hanging out at home. The weekend of August 17th, Camellia and Sterling came up and we canned peaches. Sterling and Caeleb play so well together and Camellia and I have a blast when we are together. We missed Mom being here to can with us though. We have such wonderful memories of canning peaches, pears, beats, cherries, beans etc on the farm as well as freezing peas and corn. Well, next year Mom and Dad will be on the farm and we will have to have a canning party. I love the smells of canning and the feeling that you get when you store the food you have prepared through canning. I also love my farm memories with my family.
The next weekend, August 24 (Saturday), Chris, Caeleb, Elva and I went camping in the Champion campground. Probably will be the only time we ever do that as the farm is 15 minutes away from Champion (but is being lived in by our Neigbor's Scott and his family at the present). We tried out Caeleb's recently developed "swimming type" skills in the Champion pool. I grew up swimming and doing swimming lessons in this pool and have fun memories. That night, I was able to attend my Elementary and High School friend's wedding outside of the Champion hall. They were married at sunset and it was a beautiful wedding. She looked gorgeous in her dress and the scenery was breathtaking. I am so happy for her! On Sunday, we went to church in the Champion ward and I enjoyed seeing the familiar faces of my dear Champion ward family. The ward has become a lot smaller and I would love to move back to the ward someday to help it grow if that is what is to be. I guess we will see what the future holds. I aim to be happy wherever I am.
Lo and Behold, guess who had her baby that same day. Camellia! How convenient that we were in Champion and she was in hard labour that morning so we just zipped down to Lethbridge after church ended at 1:00. I got to the Lethbridge hospital in time to hear little Liam cry his first cry. I was waiting at the Labour/Delivery Nurses Station but I still heard him and then I got to go and see him too. So little Liam joined the family at about 3:00 on Sunday August 25th 2013. What a cute little guy he is and I am so happy for Camellia and Doug. Mom and Dad will come home to 4 Grandchildren. Their Grandchild population doubled while they were on their mission!
Well, it is September 22 now (as I am writing this). Summer is still here. The grass is green and the leaves are just starting to turn color. It is still quite warm out most days but it hasn't been a very hot summer - just perfect really. I am excited for the Fall though. I love the Fall! I will keep you updated on future excitement. Until then, Goodnight!
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