Well, I am still here at the Foothills Hospital on the Antepartum unit. But Baby and I are doing great (just a few minor bumps in the road) and I am set on going home today. Okay, so I say that everyday, but really, we are doing great! I have lucked out to get 2 wonderful doctors and they are so awesome that they are going, not just the extra mile, but the extra 5 miles or so to make sure baby gets here safely.
I was able to watch the Calgary Youth Celebration event on Saturday from my labtop. I recognized some youth from 3rd ward and some friends in the Institute Choir. It was very well done and I was impressed. I think my favourite parts were the RCMP "musical ride" with the cardboard horses (How funny!) and the Calgary Olympics (I have always loved that theme song from it). I also liked how they all wore cowboy hats.
I wasn't able to go to the Calgary Temple Dedication on Sunday and I was dissapointed. Such is life I guess. But Camellia said that President Monson and Temple President Bennet had very good talks. I guess President Monson was kind of funny too - some of the comments he made. It was a snowy day but I saw a picture of the Temple from Sunday and it looked beautiful surrounded by snow!
The story of a beautiful new life together that began when a prairie girl named Katherine met an island boy named Chris
Home on the Prairies

Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
A little more about me.
This questionaire was on a friend's blog and I thought I would fill it out too (for kicks and giggles).
5 places I have lived
Chamption Alberta (On the Farm), Rexburg Idaho, Guayaquil Ecuador, Calgary Alberta. Gosh, I thought I have lived in more cities than that but maybe not. Lived in alot of places in those cities though.
5 snacks I love
Guacamole on toast (yum - Chris ate that on his mission and introduced me to it), sour candys like sour patch kids, popcorn, frozen grapes (I could use some right now), salt and vinegar chips (my favourite chip right now but it changes).
5 jobs I've had
Being a Mom, Full time Missionary, Being a Nurse (Special Care Nursery, Postpartum, Pediactrics, Elderly care and Medical unit), Laundry and Health Care Aid at Extendicare during and after High school and Farm helper - working on the parents farm and picking weeds in a mint field by Carmangay.
If I had 1 million dollars I would...
Travel the world - I want to go to Korea (to see Mom and Dad of course), Africa, China, the Phillpines, back to Ecuador and take a motorhome trip around Canada and the States -especially taveling the pioneer trail.
I would pay for a modest home upfront. I don't care for a big, fancy home.
I would fix up Grandma Smith's brick home on the farm.
I would spend money on horses and working with them.
I would give to charities and to someone I know who needs money.
5 things I love
My Family, a cold winter's night with a fire in the fireplace, reading a good book, early morning or late evening walks watching the sun rise or set, serving others and spending time with my Chris -walks and talks. I could go on and on.
5 places I have lived
Chamption Alberta (On the Farm), Rexburg Idaho, Guayaquil Ecuador, Calgary Alberta. Gosh, I thought I have lived in more cities than that but maybe not. Lived in alot of places in those cities though.
5 snacks I love
Guacamole on toast (yum - Chris ate that on his mission and introduced me to it), sour candys like sour patch kids, popcorn, frozen grapes (I could use some right now), salt and vinegar chips (my favourite chip right now but it changes).
5 jobs I've had
Being a Mom, Full time Missionary, Being a Nurse (Special Care Nursery, Postpartum, Pediactrics, Elderly care and Medical unit), Laundry and Health Care Aid at Extendicare during and after High school and Farm helper - working on the parents farm and picking weeds in a mint field by Carmangay.
If I had 1 million dollars I would...
Travel the world - I want to go to Korea (to see Mom and Dad of course), Africa, China, the Phillpines, back to Ecuador and take a motorhome trip around Canada and the States -especially taveling the pioneer trail.
I would pay for a modest home upfront. I don't care for a big, fancy home.
I would fix up Grandma Smith's brick home on the farm.
I would spend money on horses and working with them.
I would give to charities and to someone I know who needs money.
5 things I love
My Family, a cold winter's night with a fire in the fireplace, reading a good book, early morning or late evening walks watching the sun rise or set, serving others and spending time with my Chris -walks and talks. I could go on and on.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
A little more about our Caeleb.
I am stuck in the hospital again with a little pregnancy complication. Don't worry, everything is fine. Baby is doing well and I am getting used to the roller coaster ride these months have been but I will be 30 weeks on Monday and we have been very blessed. I am sure they will let me go tommorrow. My doctors are the best and take very good care of me and the little one.
Anyways, I was wondering what I could do with my time here and I was thinking that working on my blog would be a great way to be productive. I used to be a daily journal writer but I have slacked on that since getting married and especially since having a little one around who takes up most every waking moment of my day (which I don't mind at all). I have started a family journal on the computer but I could do alot better to record our memories and thoughts.
What to write about. Hmmmm. Well, how about I tell you a little more about Caeleb.
As I mentioned in a previous post, he just turned 2 years old on September 14. He is such an outgoing little boy and so darn cute. He has a laugh and smile that are very contagious! He loves to laugh too. Alot of times, he will take Chris' or Nathan's (my brother) or my finger and drag one of us off the couch because he wants to play tag or horsey ride or cars/trains or have a bath (he used to be pertrified of water but now he likes his bath time). He says, "outside" alot because he is always wanting to go outside. This summer we took many walks around the block and to the park beside our place and he always needed a rock in both hands. He is a huge rock fan. He likes to pick them up, hold them, throw them. He loves to run and I have to admit, it can be hard to keep up to him even if he is just a little guy.
About a month ago, his Aunty Camellia had Sterling (Caeleb's cousin) and Caeleb listen to a phonics ABC song on Youtube and he has been stuck on the Alphabet ever since. He loves the different Alphabet songs. He loves to sing to them and to say "A is for apple, B is for ball, C is for cat, D is for Gog (he can't quite get the D sound for that word)...etc with his cute little toddler accent.
Animals are a favourite now. It used to be cars but I must say, animals have been bumped up to first place in Caeleb's mind. He loves to watch or read anything that has animals in it. Farm animals, zoo animals, any animal. He is practicing saying the names. And he knows the animal sounds as well. Horses, cats, gogs (dogs), ele (elephant), zeba (zebra), monkey are amoung his favourites. He has been to the zoo 4 times already and he can't get enough of animals.
About a month ago, he took to singing. I think nursery has taught him well. He loves to go to nursery and has never had much of a problem being left there. He loves to sing along to I Am A Child of God and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I think he may be quite the singer when he gets older. If anything, I think he may stay quite a bold and outgoing person. Though Caeleb, when you read this, know that I do hope you don't become a flirt with the girls. Don't be a ladies man! Stay focused in life. Look to your Dad for an example! He is a good man.
Caeleb is getting to know his colours. His babysitter has been teaching him and we have been doing a little reviewing as well. When we dropped him off the other day at his babysitter's house, he pointed out that the plastic pumpkins they had up for decoration were purple, blue, pink, orange. And they were! Wow, I am not pressuring Caeleb into learning anything but he is a smart little guy and he wants to learn. You can see that in him. I love how children love to learn.
Caeleb has been such a good trouper during the last month. Every day of the week, excluding weekends, he has to go to someone else's house because I am not aloud to take care of him right now during this pregnancy. I am on restricted activites. He has been going to his babysitter's house (she took care of him while I was working), to his 2nd cousins' house and to some friends in our ward. They have all commented on how good he is! He adapts so well and has such a positive little attitude. He loves being around other children too.
Anyways, I could go on forever about my little boy. He is such a joy in our home and we love him so much!
Anyways, I was wondering what I could do with my time here and I was thinking that working on my blog would be a great way to be productive. I used to be a daily journal writer but I have slacked on that since getting married and especially since having a little one around who takes up most every waking moment of my day (which I don't mind at all). I have started a family journal on the computer but I could do alot better to record our memories and thoughts.
What to write about. Hmmmm. Well, how about I tell you a little more about Caeleb.
As I mentioned in a previous post, he just turned 2 years old on September 14. He is such an outgoing little boy and so darn cute. He has a laugh and smile that are very contagious! He loves to laugh too. Alot of times, he will take Chris' or Nathan's (my brother) or my finger and drag one of us off the couch because he wants to play tag or horsey ride or cars/trains or have a bath (he used to be pertrified of water but now he likes his bath time). He says, "outside" alot because he is always wanting to go outside. This summer we took many walks around the block and to the park beside our place and he always needed a rock in both hands. He is a huge rock fan. He likes to pick them up, hold them, throw them. He loves to run and I have to admit, it can be hard to keep up to him even if he is just a little guy.
About a month ago, his Aunty Camellia had Sterling (Caeleb's cousin) and Caeleb listen to a phonics ABC song on Youtube and he has been stuck on the Alphabet ever since. He loves the different Alphabet songs. He loves to sing to them and to say "A is for apple, B is for ball, C is for cat, D is for Gog (he can't quite get the D sound for that word)...etc with his cute little toddler accent.
Animals are a favourite now. It used to be cars but I must say, animals have been bumped up to first place in Caeleb's mind. He loves to watch or read anything that has animals in it. Farm animals, zoo animals, any animal. He is practicing saying the names. And he knows the animal sounds as well. Horses, cats, gogs (dogs), ele (elephant), zeba (zebra), monkey are amoung his favourites. He has been to the zoo 4 times already and he can't get enough of animals.
About a month ago, he took to singing. I think nursery has taught him well. He loves to go to nursery and has never had much of a problem being left there. He loves to sing along to I Am A Child of God and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I think he may be quite the singer when he gets older. If anything, I think he may stay quite a bold and outgoing person. Though Caeleb, when you read this, know that I do hope you don't become a flirt with the girls. Don't be a ladies man! Stay focused in life. Look to your Dad for an example! He is a good man.
Caeleb is getting to know his colours. His babysitter has been teaching him and we have been doing a little reviewing as well. When we dropped him off the other day at his babysitter's house, he pointed out that the plastic pumpkins they had up for decoration were purple, blue, pink, orange. And they were! Wow, I am not pressuring Caeleb into learning anything but he is a smart little guy and he wants to learn. You can see that in him. I love how children love to learn.
Caeleb has been such a good trouper during the last month. Every day of the week, excluding weekends, he has to go to someone else's house because I am not aloud to take care of him right now during this pregnancy. I am on restricted activites. He has been going to his babysitter's house (she took care of him while I was working), to his 2nd cousins' house and to some friends in our ward. They have all commented on how good he is! He adapts so well and has such a positive little attitude. He loves being around other children too.
Anyways, I could go on forever about my little boy. He is such a joy in our home and we love him so much!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
3rd Anniversary
We have been married 3 years today. Wow! It has been 3 years of alot of joy, a little sadness, as we go through some of lifes trials, and so many blessings! I am so happy that I get to go through the ups and downs of life with my Chris. I feel so honoured that I get to continue my life with him even after this life.
Thank you Chris for being the type of man that I look up to for an example of living a Christlike life.
It was an awesome day! Chris bought me flowers and wrote me a sweet note and I sent him off to work with our favorite Guacamole toast and a chocolate treat for later. I also booked us in for sealings in the Calgary Temple for the 7th of November as it opens up the beginning of November I believe. I am excited to go to that new temple frequently. We love to do sealings on our anniversary. It reminds us of our Honeymoon. Good times! Our Honeymoon was a suprise for me. I did not know what Chris had planned. We were married in the Cardston Temple and then did a road trip to the states and did sealings or an endowment session in the Spokane, Tri-cities, Portland and Seattle Temples. It was the best Honeymoon ever and it really started off our marriage with an eternal perspective in mind.
We went out for supper at Tony Romas as well for our Anniversary. We even got dressed up to do so as we wanted it to be a special memory.
It was a great evening! And I love my Chris!
Thank you Chris for being the type of man that I look up to for an example of living a Christlike life.
It was an awesome day! Chris bought me flowers and wrote me a sweet note and I sent him off to work with our favorite Guacamole toast and a chocolate treat for later. I also booked us in for sealings in the Calgary Temple for the 7th of November as it opens up the beginning of November I believe. I am excited to go to that new temple frequently. We love to do sealings on our anniversary. It reminds us of our Honeymoon. Good times! Our Honeymoon was a suprise for me. I did not know what Chris had planned. We were married in the Cardston Temple and then did a road trip to the states and did sealings or an endowment session in the Spokane, Tri-cities, Portland and Seattle Temples. It was the best Honeymoon ever and it really started off our marriage with an eternal perspective in mind.
We went out for supper at Tony Romas as well for our Anniversary. We even got dressed up to do so as we wanted it to be a special memory.
It was a great evening! And I love my Chris!
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Excitement on the Horizon!
We are expecting a little baby girl January 7 2013. We are so excited! Even Caeleb seems to sense a "baby" is on its way. I have been having complications so I have to take it easy these days and no hard work aloud. I am reading alot, studying a nursing module on pharmacology and working on my blog of course. Chris is a trouper as he works full time and does so much other stuff like cleaning and cooking that I am not supposed to do. My brother Nathan is living here as well and is a huge help. He is the best uncle to Caeleb!
We feel sooo blessed to have friends and family to help us out. Little girl is doing well and we feel so blessed for that as well. Every baby is a miracle and we have seen miracles as we await our new little miracle.
We feel sooo blessed to have friends and family to help us out. Little girl is doing well and we feel so blessed for that as well. Every baby is a miracle and we have seen miracles as we await our new little miracle.
A Beautiful Day
We woke up this morning, Oct 20th 2012, to a foggy morning. Then the snow started falling and now it is a little winter wonderland outside. I love being in a cozy house on a day like today. Even more so, I like going outside for a walk on a day like today and then coming inside to a cozy warm house. I like the tingling sensation that comes with the warming of cold hands and feet.
I need to learn how to post pictures. Chris is big into photography, his hobby since Caeleb came along, and I want to post some of his talent. Then you all can share in the beauty of this day.
I need to learn how to post pictures. Chris is big into photography, his hobby since Caeleb came along, and I want to post some of his talent. Then you all can share in the beauty of this day.
More of our Family
Chris is from Victoria and all his family is out there. He has an awesome family! He is the oldest of 6 children and has ventured out from his island home to Toronto for a few years for work, the Phillipines for a 2 year LDS church mission and finally to Calgary where he met me and merged his life with mine.
I am from a small town in Alberta. I was raised on a farm and I have an older brother, Nathan, and twin sister, Camellia (who is married to Doug and they have little one year old Sterling). I had the best childhood ever! I smile every time I think about memories growing up on the farm. I loved helping dad with the cows, riding horses, mowing the lawn, doing other chores, cold winter nights with a fire in the fire place. I could go on forever! I have been so blessed to have the parents I have. They left May 2012 to serve a mission for the church in Korea.
After high school, I went to BYUIdaho and got my BSN. Then I ventured down to Ecuador for a LDS church mission. Yes, the LDS church or Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is huge in our lives. After a 1.5 year mission, I came to live in Calgary and am I ever glad I did because this is where I met my Chris.
We love Calgary and can see ourselves staying in this area till retirement and beyond.
I am from a small town in Alberta. I was raised on a farm and I have an older brother, Nathan, and twin sister, Camellia (who is married to Doug and they have little one year old Sterling). I had the best childhood ever! I smile every time I think about memories growing up on the farm. I loved helping dad with the cows, riding horses, mowing the lawn, doing other chores, cold winter nights with a fire in the fire place. I could go on forever! I have been so blessed to have the parents I have. They left May 2012 to serve a mission for the church in Korea.
After high school, I went to BYUIdaho and got my BSN. Then I ventured down to Ecuador for a LDS church mission. Yes, the LDS church or Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is huge in our lives. After a 1.5 year mission, I came to live in Calgary and am I ever glad I did because this is where I met my Chris.
We love Calgary and can see ourselves staying in this area till retirement and beyond.
Our Family
There is me Katherine. I turned 28 July 10th 2012. Each year gets better and better! On October 24th, my husband and I will celebrate our 3rd wedding anniversary. I am a Registered Nurse and work a little at the Rockyview Hospital on a medical unit. I love being a wife and mother and spending time with my little family. I love to declutter, organize, cook, bake, serve others, ride horses and go for walks, hikes, or jogs outside.
Chris had his birthday September 14th. He is a Network Analyst. He graduated January 2012 with his degree in Networking and Communications and I have never seen anyone work so hard with no complaint while going to school, working full time, becoming a dad and supporting his little family emotionally, spiritually, financially, etc. He loves being a dad and is so good at it! He is the most gentle, kind, sincere, easy going, trustworthy, hardworking, Christlike person ever and I love him so much. Heavenly Father sure knew what he was doing when he saw to it that we met and married. I see that more each day.
Caeleb shares his daddy's birthday on September 14th. He turned 2 this year - 2012. He was the best birthday gift ever says Chris. He loves cars and animals, learning new things, macaroni and cheese, cheese sandwhiches, soup, and talking, even though we can't always understand him. He loves being around people and has such a fun, outgoing personality.
Chris had his birthday September 14th. He is a Network Analyst. He graduated January 2012 with his degree in Networking and Communications and I have never seen anyone work so hard with no complaint while going to school, working full time, becoming a dad and supporting his little family emotionally, spiritually, financially, etc. He loves being a dad and is so good at it! He is the most gentle, kind, sincere, easy going, trustworthy, hardworking, Christlike person ever and I love him so much. Heavenly Father sure knew what he was doing when he saw to it that we met and married. I see that more each day.
Caeleb shares his daddy's birthday on September 14th. He turned 2 this year - 2012. He was the best birthday gift ever says Chris. He loves cars and animals, learning new things, macaroni and cheese, cheese sandwhiches, soup, and talking, even though we can't always understand him. He loves being around people and has such a fun, outgoing personality.
Hello world!
THE BEGINNING OF OUR STORY: Oct 20 2012 and I finally did it. I started a blog. I have been enjoying my family's, friend's, and their friend's blogs and it is about time I start one of my own. I had my husband, the computer genius, set this up for me.
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